Coming Soon

  • McGreevy K, Horvath S. and Telesca D. Pseudo Copula Transformations for Large Scale Missing Data Imputation of Methylation Data.

  • Marco N. Senturk D. Jeste S., DiStefano C., Dickinson A., Telesca D. Flexible Regularized Estimation in High-Dimensional Mixed Membership Models. [arxiv]

  • Marco N., Senturk D. Jeste S., DiStefano C., Dickinson A., Telesca D. Functional Mixed Membership Models. [arxiv]

  • Marco N., Senturk D. Jeste S., DiStefano C., Dickinson A., Telesca D. Covariate Adjusted Functional Mixed Membership Models.

  • Shamshoian J., Senturk D., Jeste S., Telesca D., Bayesian Covariance Regression in Functional Data. [arxiv]

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